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The Arena At TD Place, As It Stands, is Hosting Its Last World Juniors — And That’s Good For Ottawa

A celebration is in order, both for the storied building’s 57-year past and the exciting future of its reincarnation a stone’s throw from the current location.

Ottawa, December 27, 2024

Author: Don Brennan.
Image: Artist’s concept of what the Lansdowne 2.0 plan would look like. PHOTO BY OSEG/ CITY OF OTTAWA

Source: Ottawa Citizen.

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Find Out Why Ottawa Businesses Are Coming Out In Support Of Lansdowne 2.0

Business leaders throw their support behind Lansdowne 2.0 proposal

Ottawa, November 1, 2023

Author: OBJ Staff.
Image: Artist’s concept of what the Lansdowne 2.0 plan would look like. PHOTO BY OSEG/ CITY OF OTTAWA

Source: Ottawa Business Journal.

Read the full article here >>

digital image of Lansdowne 2.0
Discover Why Majority Of Ottawa Residents Support Lansdowne 2.0

This study was conducted online using EKOS’ probability based research panel, Probit

Ottawa, October 31, 2023

Prepared for the Ottawa Sports Entertainment Group.

Read the full report here >>

digital image of Lansdowne 2.0
Lansdowne 2.0 Could Be A Game Changer!

Check out how we’re making Lansdowne even better

Ottawa, October 31, 2023

Fixing up a sports venue that the city owns is not a bailout for developers. It is a rational and fiscally responsible way to enhance an important municipal asset.

Randall Denley.
Artist’s concept of what the Lansdowne 2.0 plan would look like. PHOTO BY OSEG/ CITY OF OTTAWA

Source: Ottawa Citizen. Read the full article here>>

digital image of Lansdowne 2.0
Lansdowne By The Numbers

An infographic showing what is the economic impact of Lansdowne in Ottawa.

Ottawa, October 24, 2023

Lansdowne hosts over 4 million visitors annually and is the local residents’ go-to destination.

It generates $137 million in GDP and 1,894 person years of full-time employment.

Read and Download the full infographic here>>

Lansdowne by the numbers infographic
Deachman: A case for Lansdowne development — and maybe true love

As Lansdowne continues to evolve, it more and more becomes the kind of meeting place that cities need.

Ottawa, October 16, 2023

The note I found inside my desk was crisply folded, the cursive handwriting on it neat and orderly; a girl’s, I was convinced. “If you want to meet your secret admirer,” it read, “I’ll be at the main gate at Lansdowne Park this Saturday at noon.”

This is my earliest memory of Lansdowne Park, from 1971, when I was a 10-year-old, Grade 5 student at Broadview Avenue Public School.

Nostalgic postmedia columnist Bruce Deachman at Lansdowne Park.

Source: Ottawa Citizen.

Read the full article here>>

Nostalgic postmedia columnist Bruce Deachman at Lansdowne Park. PHOTO BY JULIE OLIVER /Postmedia
It Starts Here

Ottawa, October 6, 2023

Lansdowne is a place of history and civic pride. For over 175 years, it has been a gathering place for neighbor’s, residents of Eastern Ontario and Western Québec, and for tourists from across Canada and around the world. It is a place of connection and celebration for sports, cultural and community events.

In 2012, City Council entered into a 30-year partnership (now a 40-year partnership) with the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG) for the renewal and revitalization of Lansdowne with a new South Stadium Stands, new mixed-use retail and reimagined public realm spaces and subterranean parking.

Source: City of Ottawa.

Read the full article here>>

Panoramic view of the North stadium

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digital image of Lansdowne 2.0 with a location icon on the center